Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Provision of Holding Number a) In case of new Holding Number, the land owner along with the Mayor has to apply in the prescribed form along with ownership deed, rent receipt, pamphlet worth Rs. 10 / - (ten). In the context of the application, after conducting an on-the-spot investigation, the annual assessment would be fixed at Rs. 160 / - (one hundred and seventy) in the vacant space (boundaries should be demarcated) and a new holding number would be issued. If there is a structure on the site, the holding value is given by determining the annual assessment of the structure in the prescribed manner.
B) Receipt of all required information / documents is given within 15 (fifteen) days in case of vacancy and within 10 (ten) days in case of issuance of holding number.
02.Five Year Tax Assessment a) Five year municipal tax is re-assessed every five years.
B) If there is an objection on the annual assessment, it can be appealed in the prescribed objection form worth Rs. 10 / - (ten).
C) The annual value is re-determined within 30 (thirty) days of the submission of the objection through the objection hearing review board.
03.Nomination of Holdy a) In case of purchase / donation / inheritance, partial / full ownership and wish to register in the respective holding, the applicant is required to pay a prescribed price of Rs. You have to apply along with the mayor in the nomination form. Notice is given to find out if the previous full / partial owner of the concerned holding has any objection to the application received. If no objection is received within 15 (fifteen) days of the giving of the notice, the application of Namjari is considered by the authorities. Note that in this case the holding tax must be paid up to Halson. The prescribed fee is levied.
B) Subject to receipt of all the necessary information / documents in the case in question, the objection notice is executed within 30 (thirty) days.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and amendments to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notices and notices.
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Holding Separation a) Holdings are segregated on the request of the owners of the respective holdings to facilitate the payment of taxes of any holding. Holding is separated in the name of the concerned holding owners through on-the-spot investigation and necessary hearing of the ownership papers submitted by the holding owner. Note that in this case the relevant holder must have paid up to Halson.
B) In order to separate the holding, according to the proposal, the land office will issue separate names in the name of the applicants. Pamphlets, rent receipts, compromise distribution among the owners of the holding. The prescribed fee is levied.
C) A decision on holding separation is taken within 10 (ten) days after receipt of all the required information / documents.
Tax collection branch
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Payment of holding tax and collection of arrears of tax a) The owner of the holding can come to the Laxmipur municipality office and pay the tax through the receipt book to the tax collector at the tax collection branch.
B) Holding owner pays public tax through Computerized Tracks Bill Bank by 30th September of the financial year. 5% rebate on payment of current year (i) first installment (July-September) (ii) First two installments (July-December) If you pay the first three installments (July-March) in advance, you will get 8.5% rebate and (iii) you will get 10% rebate if you pay the first four installments (July-June) in advance.
C) 5% surcharge is levied on Halson's arrears after the due financial year if the current year's tax is not paid on time. Until such arrears are paid, a surcharge of 5% is levied on the arrears.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notifications and notices.
License Branch:
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Issue and renewal of trade licenses a) Trade licenses are issued in Laxmipur Municipality area by collecting fees at the prescribed rate as per the Model Tax Schedule 2003 on Occupations, Business and Livelihood Scholarships. For trade license one has to apply with the mayor along with the rental letter of receipt mentioning the type of business, assistant / current address etc. in the prescribed form worth Rs. 10 / - (ten).
B) Subject to receipt of all the required information / papers, the application is disposed of within 3 (three) working days and the license is issued.
C) The trade license issued later can be renewed by depositing the prescribed renewal fee based on the year. In this case it is renewed within 1 (one) working day.
D) Fixed fees
02. Rickshaw Owner's License Rickshaw Owner's License is renewed and renewed on an annual basis through a fixed fee. License fee 50 / - (fifty) rupees. Book 10 / - (Ten) Taka Payet 10 / - (Ten) Taka
03. Rickshaw Driver's License Rickshaw Driver's License is renewed and issued on a yearly basis through a fixed fee. License fee 20 / - (twenty) rupees. Wife book
04. Rickshaw Van Owner License Renewal of Year Based Rickshaw Van Owner License through Fixed Fee
05. Rickshaw van driver's license is renewed and new year based rickshaw ban driver's license is issued through fixed fee. License fee 20 / - (twenty) rupees.
07. Auto Rickshaw Owner's License Auto Rickshaw Owner's License is renewed and issued on a yearly basis through a fixed fee. License fee 1000 / - (one thousand) rupees.
07. Auto Rickshaw Driver License is renewed and renewed on an annual basis through fixed fee. License fee is 100 / - (one hundred) rupees.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notifications and notices.
General Branch:
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Nationality Certificate Certificate of Warish Certificate and acceptance of all applications / complaints a) Nationality Certificate is issued within 24 (twenty four) hours of submission of application if the application is made with the certification of Ward Councilor in the prescribed form of the municipality. Nationality certificate fee 20 / - (twenty) rupees and English certificate 50 / - (fifty) rupees.
B) Heir certificate is issued within 7 (seven) working days of the submission of the application after investigation by the office if the application is made with the certificate of ward councilor in the prescribed form free of cost from the health branch of the municipality. Warish fee 200 / - (two hundred) rupees.
C) If the general branch of the municipality applies for the family certificate on a white paper with the certification of the ward councilor, the certificate is issued within 03 (three) working days from the date of application.
D) If the mayor mentions the complaint in a white paper along with Laxmipur Municipality, Laxmipur, it is accepted for disposal after the approval of the mayor in the order of verification and selection.
E) If the municipality is willing to accept any duplicate of the case, the mayor should apply along with Laxmipur municipality.
F) According to the rules, for any certificate that the citizens have the right to get, they have to apply with the mayor on a white paper with the certification of the ward councilor. Certificate is issued within 2 (two) working days after the application is approved. Fee 20 / - (twenty) rupees.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notices and notices.
Department of Engineering
1. Necessary action is taken expeditiously by the concerned department after submission of application / complaint regarding road pavement and surface drain potholes, broken seams, obstruction by placing goods on the road etc. In addition, appropriate action is taken in the shortest possible time after receiving complaints regarding street lights.
2. Road excavation
(A) Forms for connection of air, gas etc. services have to be collected from the Engineering Department of the Municipality.
(B) Fill in the form and submit the updated receipt of holding tax along with photocopy to the municipal office.
(C) Demand letter for compensation is prepared within 07 (seven) working days after submission of application form.
(D) As per the demand letter, permission letter for road excavation can be collected from the municipal office within 03 (three) working days after depositing the compensation money in the concerned department.
Rate of road excavation compensation: Approved by Municipal Council meeting
Serial No. Details Money (per sq. Ft.)
01. Raw road 15 / -
02. Brick Soling Road 60 / -
03. HBB Road 125 / -
04. Macadam Silkot Road 140 / -
05. Macadam Carpeting Road 180 / -
07. RCC Road 180 / -
3. Contract License Enrollment: (Renewal, Level Development and Registration Book)
Level of Level New License Fee Renewal Fee
Class A 2500 / - 2000 / -
Class B 2000 / - 1500 / -
Class C 1500 / - 1000 / -
Application Form 50 / -
Contracting Registration Book 200 / -
Measurement book 100 / -
Moreover, the contract license can be renewed from 1/08/2010 to 30/12/10 with a 50% penalty. And can be renewed from 1/01/2011 to 30/07/2011 with 100% penalty.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notifications and notices.
Evaluation Certificate of Land / Assistance and Estimates Certificate of Assistance:
Land / Assessment Valuation Certificate and Assessment Assessment Certificate and Assessment Assessment Certificate in Laxmipur Municipality area. Estimation certificate is issued. Fee: 200 / - (two hundred) rupees.
Department of Health
Cleanliness Branch:
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Cleaning and mosquito control activities
A) Sweeping of footpaths, sweeping of market, cleaning of open drains, removal of garbage from dustbin by truck and tractor between 10.00 pm and 8.00 am and removal of garbage during the day in case of emergency.
B) Deep drains of the city are cleaned as required.
C) Service is ensured within the shortest time to inform the cleaning branch of the municipality office to solve any problem related to cleanliness.
D) Water hyacinths are cleaned from time to time to control mosquitoes in the municipal area.
Health Branch:
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
Immunization Program and Birth and Death Registration and Certificate Premises License and Environmental Clearance
A) The EPI (Immunization Program) prescribed by the Government is completed.
B) National Immunization Day (NID) declared by the government is also observed properly.
C) Mother and child are vaccinated on the prescribed date in 40 auxiliary and 03 auxiliary EPI vaccination centers of the municipality. Mother and child are vaccinated every working day at the municipality office.
D) All public health and sanitation related programs carry out the highest health related functions.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notifications and notices.
E) Birth and death certificates of those who were born and died in Laxmipur municipal area are distributed in the prescribed form along with the certification of the concerned ward councilor. Receipt of birth and death certificate is distributed within 03 (three) working days.
F) Fees are as under till 30th June, 2010
Sr. No. Description Fee
01. Birth registration of persons below 18 (eighteen) years of age is nil
02. Birth registration of persons below 18 (eighteen) years of age is 50.00
03. No person's death certificate is zero
Fees are as follows from 01st July 2010
Sr. No. Description Fee
01. No person's birth registration is null within 2 (two) years from the date of birth
02. No death registration of any person is null within 2 (two) years from the date of death
03. In case of registration of birth or death of a person after 02 (two) years from the date of birth or death at the rate of Rs. 05.00 per year
04. Supply of original Bengali or English copy of birth or death certificate is nil
05. Supply of Bengali or English duplicate copy of birth or death certificate 25.00 rupees
07. If any errors or discrepancies are observed in the registration certificate issued on the basis of the information provided
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notifications and notices.
G) If the application is made in the prescribed form from the health department of the municipality, the premise license is issued within 07 (seven) working days after the application is submitted after investigation by the office. Fee nimmarupah
Sr. No. Description Fee
01. Sweet Shop 200 / -
02. Bakery 200 / -
03. Meat shop 100 / -
04. Hotel (Large) 300 / -
05. Hotel small 100 / -
07. Grocery Store Large 200 / -
07. Grocery Store Small 100 / -
07. Fast Food 200 / -
09. Fruit Shop 50 / -
10. Edible Oil Store 100 / -
11. Dry Shop 100 / -
Market Branch:
Serial No. Services Rules / Procedures
01.Leasing of Hat Bazar, Bus Terminal, Public Toilets under the management of the municipality a) Leasing activities started at least 3 (three) months before the start of the Bengali year with the approval of the Mayor. Following the recommendation of the Trender Committee, the lease was given for one year from 1st Baishakh to 30th Chaitra at Hat Bazar, Bus Terminal and Public Toilet.
02.Municipal Super, Harkas Other Market Rent and Other Payments a) The rent of the grocer's shop is collected between the 1st and 6th of every month.
B) The change of ownership of the shop is due to the application on white paper along with the mayor, the paperwork is checked and the business is dealt with subject to deposit of fee as per the shop rent / allotment policy of the ministry.
Note: The municipal authority reserves the power to make necessary changes and additions to this Citizen's Charter subject to municipal laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, circulars, orders, office memoranda, notifications and notices.
Water supply branch
Serial No. Services Time of service receipt
01. Ensure clean water supply. You have to apply for water connection along with the mayor. In this context, the engineering branch was instructed to take necessary action. In the light of the said instruction, after completing the specified application form of the municipality and determining the water connection and site by the Superintendent (Water Supply Branch), the Mayor gives final approval. Demand note is issued after approval. Connection is allowed after demand is submitted. The clearance for design approval is issued within 7 (seven) days after submission of all paperwork.
Water connection bills of different diameters
Serial No. Details and amount of money
01. Diameter demand note 2000 / - (two thousand) water bill monthly 220 / - (two hundred and twenty) rupees (residential), demand note 6000 / - (seven thousand) water bill 600 / - (six hundred) rupees (commercial)
02. Diameter Demand Note 2500 / - (Two Thousand Five Hundred) Water Bill Monthly 365 / - (Three Hundred and Seventy Five) Taka (Residential), Demand Note 7500 / - (Seven Thousand Five Hundred) Water Bill 1000 / - (One Thousand) Taka (Commercial)
03. 1st diameter demand note 3000 / - (three thousand) water bill monthly 600 / - (six hundred) rupees (residential), demand note 6000 / - (eight thousand) water bill 1500 / - (one thousand five hundred) rupees (commercial)
04. The bill for each sub-connection is 180 / - (one hundred and eighty) rupees
Cost of water connection:
1. Application form fee for each water connection 50 / - (fifty) rupees Approval fee 500 / - (five hundred) rupees
2. Different rates of road cutting are as follows
Serial No. Details Money (per sq. Ft.)
01. Raw road 15 / -
02. Brick Soling Road 60 / -
03. HBB Road 125 / -
04. Macadam Silkot Road 140 /
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS